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[colorize.git] / doc / colorize.html
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7 <title>colorize</title>
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9 <body style="color:white; background-color:black">
10 <pre>
11 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">[sts@apollo ~/colorize]$</span> ./colorize --help
12 Usage: ./colorize (foreground) OR (foreground)/(background) OR --clean[-all] [-|file]
14 Colors (foreground) (background)
15 {-} none none
16 {<span style="color:black;">#</span>} [Bb]lack black
17 {<span style="color:red;">#</span>} [Rr]ed red
18 {<span style="color:lime;">#</span>} [Gg]reen green
19 {<span style="color:yellow;">#</span>} [Yy]ellow yellow
20 {<span style="color:#3333FF;">#</span>} [Bb]lue blue
21 {<span style="color:fuchsia;">#</span>} [Mm]agenta magenta
22 {<span style="color:aqua;">#</span>} [Cc]yan cyan
23 {<span style="color:white;">#</span>} [Ww]hite white
24 {<span style="color:white;">#</span>} [Dd]efault default
25 {*} [Rr]andom random [--exclude-random=&lt;foreground color&gt;]
27 First character of color name in upper case denotes increased intensity,
28 whereas for lower case colors will be of normal intensity.
30 Options
31 --attr
32 --clean
33 --clean-all
34 --exclude-random
35 -h, --help
36 -V, --version
37 </pre>
38 <pre>
39 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">[sts@apollo ~/colorize]$</span> ./colorize cyan /etc/motd
40 <span style="color:aqua;"></span>
41 <span style="color:aqua;">The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;</span>
42 <span style="color:aqua;">the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the</span>
43 <span style="color:aqua;">individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.</span>
44 <span style="color:aqua;"></span>
45 <span style="color:aqua;">Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent</span>
46 <span style="color:aqua;">permitted by applicable law.</span>
47 </pre>
48 <pre>
49 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">[sts@apollo ~/colorize]$</span> ./colorize cyan /etc/motd | ./colorize --clean
51 The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
52 the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
53 individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
55 Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
56 permitted by applicable law.
57 </pre>
58 <pre>
59 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">[sts@apollo ~/colorize]$</span> ./colorize Yellow /etc/motd
60 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;"></span>
61 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;</span>
62 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the</span>
63 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.</span>
64 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;"></span>
65 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent</span>
66 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">permitted by applicable law.</span>
67 </pre>
68 <pre>
69 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">[sts@apollo ~/colorize]$</span> ./colorize white/blue /etc/motd
70 <span style="background-color:#3333FF;"></span><span style="color:white;background-color:#3333FF;"></span>
71 <span style="background-color:#3333FF;"></span><span style="color:white;background-color:#3333FF;">The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;</span>
72 <span style="background-color:#3333FF;"></span><span style="color:white;background-color:#3333FF;">the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the</span>
73 <span style="background-color:#3333FF;"></span><span style="color:white;background-color:#3333FF;">individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.</span>
74 <span style="background-color:#3333FF;"></span><span style="color:white;background-color:#3333FF;"></span>
75 <span style="background-color:#3333FF;"></span><span style="color:white;background-color:#3333FF;">Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent</span>
76 <span style="background-color:#3333FF;"></span><span style="color:white;background-color:#3333FF;">permitted by applicable law.</span>
77 </pre>
78 <pre>
79 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">[sts@apollo ~/colorize]$</span> ./colorize --exclude-random=black random /etc/motd
80 <span style="color:red;"></span>
81 <span style="color:red;">The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;</span>
82 <span style="color:red;">the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the</span>
83 <span style="color:red;">individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.</span>
84 <span style="color:red;"></span>
85 <span style="color:red;">Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent</span>
86 <span style="color:red;">permitted by applicable law.</span>
87 </pre>
88 <pre>
89 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">[sts@apollo ~/colorize]$</span> ./colorize --attr=bold magenta /etc/motd
90 <span style="color:fuchsia;font-weight:bold;"></span>
91 <span style="color:fuchsia;font-weight:bold;">The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;</span>
92 <span style="color:fuchsia;font-weight:bold;">the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the</span>
93 <span style="color:fuchsia;font-weight:bold;">individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.</span>
94 <span style="color:fuchsia;font-weight:bold;"></span>
95 <span style="color:fuchsia;font-weight:bold;">Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent</span>
96 <span style="color:fuchsia;font-weight:bold;">permitted by applicable law.</span>
97 </pre>
98 <pre>
99 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">[sts@apollo ~/colorize]$</span> ./colorize green /etc/motd | head -n2 | tail -n1
100 <span style="color:lime;">The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;</span>
101 </pre>
102 <pre>
103 <span style="color:yellow;font-weight:bold;">[sts@apollo ~/colorize]$</span> ./colorize --version
104 colorize v0.60-9-g847a1b1 (compiled at Apr 22 2017, 14:32:01)
105 Compiler flags: &quot;-ansi -pedantic &quot;
106 Linker flags: &quot;&quot;
107 Preprocessor flags: &quot;&quot;
108 Buffer size: 4K
109 Color separator: '/'
110 Debugging: no
111 </pre>
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