#!/usr/bin/perl # # Konvertiert die LUGS-Terminliste (im ASCII Format) in ein HTML-File # # (c) 1996-1998 Roland Alder # (c) 2007-2008, 2011-2014 Steven Schubiger use strict; use warnings; use lib qw(lib); my $VERSION = '0.04'; #----------------------- # Start of configuration #----------------------- # # If you're looking for the template, # it is contained below __DATA__ at the end # of this script. # my $Config = { data_source => './termine.txt', html_file => './index.phtml', colors => { fremd => 'a2eeff', # blau/gruen treff => '99ccff', # ex http://www.zuerich.ch/ seeland => 'ffffbb', # gelb aargau => 'ffbbff', # violett bern => 'a5f6bb', # gruen spec => 'ff8a80', # rot winti => 'd6d6ce', # ex http://www.stadt-winterthur.ch/ innerschweiz => '8abed7', # ex http://www.luzern.ch/ kreuzlingen => 'f9f9f9', # ehemals aargau (ex http://www.ag.ch/) stgallen => 'e2b1a5', # wie heisst diese Farbe? :) gnupingu => 'ffd133', # von http://www.gnupingu.ch/ debian => 'ffa500', # orange hackerfunk => '99b2cd', # blau/grau }, ical_dir => 'ical', }; #--------------------- # End of configuration #--------------------- #------------------- # Start of internals #------------------- { my $termine = LUGS::Termine::Liste->new; $termine->init; my ($html_before, $html_after) = $termine->extract_html; $termine->parse_template; my $fh = $termine->{fh}{out}; print {$fh} $html_before; $termine->process_events; print {$fh} $html_after; $termine->cleanup; $termine->finalize; } package LUGS::Termine::Liste; use constant true => 1; use File::Copy qw(copy); use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use LUGS::Events::Parser (); # Return a new instance of our class. sub new { my $class = shift; return bless {}; } # Open files and retrieve the modification time. sub init { my $self = shift; $self->{mtime} = scalar localtime +(stat($Config->{data_source}))[9]; open($self->{fh}{in}, '<', $Config->{html_file}) or die "Cannot open $Config->{html_file}: $!\n"; ($self->{fh}{out}, $self->{tmp_file}) = tempfile(UNLINK => true); } # Close file handles. sub cleanup { my $self = shift; foreach my $handle (qw(in out)) { close($self->{fh}{$handle}); } } # Copy the temporary file to the HTML file's location. sub finalize { my $self = shift; copy($self->{tmp_file}, $Config->{html_file}) or die "Cannot copy $self->{tmp_file} to $Config->{html_file}: $!\n"; } # Extract chunks before and after where the events get populated in. sub extract_html { my $self = shift; my $fh = $self->{fh}{in}; my $html = do { local $/; <$fh> }; my @regexes = ( qr/^ (.+? \n \s*? \n)/sx, qr/ \n( .*) $/sx, ); my @chunks; foreach my $regex (@regexes) { push @chunks, $1 if $html =~ $regex; } return @chunks; } # Dump regular events formatted to the output handle. sub process_events { my $self = shift; my $parser = LUGS::Events::Parser->new($Config->{data_source}); my $i; my %month_names = map { sprintf("%02d", ++$i) => $_ } qw(Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember); my $seen ||= ''; my $print_month = sub { my ($event) = @_; my $year = $event->get_event_year; my $month = $event->get_event_month; my $day = $event->get_event_day; if ($month ne $seen) { $seen = $month; $self->print_template('jahreszeit', { MONAT => $month_names{$month}, JAHR => $year, }); } }; $self->print_template('tabellenstart'); $self->print_template('kopfdaten'); while (my $event = $parser->next_event) { $print_month->($event); my $anchor = $event->get_event_anchor; $self->print_template('farbe', { FARBE => $Config->{colors}->{$event->get_event_color} }); $self->print_template('anker/wann', { ANKER => $anchor, WOCHENTAG => $event->get_event_weekday, TAG => $event->get_event_day, }); $event->get_event_time ? $self->print_template('zeit', { UHRZEIT => $event->get_event_time, }) : $self->print_template('blank'); $event->get_event_responsible ? $self->print_template('verantwortlich', { WER => $event->get_event_responsible, }) : $self->print_template('blank'); $self->print_template('titel', { BEZEICHNUNG => $event->get_event_title, }); $event->get_event_location ? $self->print_template('standort', { STANDORT => $event->get_event_location, }) : (); $event->get_event_more ? $self->print_template('infos', { INFORMATIONEN => $event->get_event_more, }) : (); my $ics_file = "$anchor.ics"; my $ics_link = join '/', ($Config->{ical_dir}, $ics_file); $self->print_template('ical', { LINK => $ics_link, }); $self->print_raw_html(''); } $self->print_template('tabellenende'); $self->print_template('fussnoten', { AENDERUNG => $self->{mtime}, }); } # Parse the template as outlined below __DATA__ and create # a lookup map. sub parse_template { my $self = shift; my $template = do { local $/; }; $self->{template} = [ map { s/\n{2,}$/\n/; $_ } # # description grep /\S/, # - split /\# \s+? .+? \s+? -\n/x, $template ]; my @descriptions; push @descriptions, $1 while $template =~ /\# \s+? (.+?) \s+? -\n/gx; my $i; $self->{lookup} = { map { $_ => $i++ } @descriptions }; } # Look up the template item, substitute it with the data # given and print it to the output handle. sub print_template { my $self = shift; my ($keyword, $data) = @_; return unless exists $self->{lookup}->{$keyword}; my $item = $self->{template}->[$self->{lookup}->{$keyword}]; my %markers = ( begin => '[%', end => '%]', ); foreach my $marker ($markers{begin}, $markers{end}) { $marker = qr/\Q$marker\E/; } foreach my $name (keys %$data) { $item =~ s/$markers{begin} \s*? $name \s*? $markers{end} /$data->{$name}/gx; } my $fh = $self->{fh}{out}; print {$fh} $item; } # Print raw HTML to the output handle. sub print_raw_html { my $self = shift; my ($html) = @_; my $fh = $self->{fh}{out}; print {$fh} $html, "\n"; } #----------------- # End of internals #----------------- # # Do not change the data descriptions within '# ' without # adjusting the code accordingly; furthermore, the hyphen '-' # is required and two trailing newlines at the end of the # template item, too. # __DATA__ # tabellenstart - # kopfdaten - # jahreszeit - # anker - # farbe - # anker/wann - # zeit - # verantwortlich - # titel - # tabellenende -

Definitive Daten

TagZeitVerantwortlichAnlass, Thema

[% MONAT %] [% JAHR %]
[% WOCHENTAG %], [% TAG %].[% UHRZEIT %][% WER %][% BEZEICHNUNG %] # standort -
[% STANDORT %] # infos -
[% INFORMATIONEN %] # ical -
# fussnoten -

Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr, letzte Änderung der Terminliste: [% AENDERUNG %] # blank -