--- /dev/null
+# Konvertiert die LUGS-Terminliste (im ASCII Format) in ein HTML-File
+# (c) 1996-1998 Roland Alder
+# (c) 2007-2008, 2011-2013 Steven Schubiger
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib qw(lib);
+my $VERSION = '0.03';
+# Start of configuration
+# If you're looking for the template,
+# it is contained below __DATA__ at the end
+# of this script.
+my $Config = {
+ data_source => './termine.txt',
+ html_file => './index.phtml',
+ colors => {
+ fremd => 'a2eeff', # blau/gruen
+ treff => '99ccff', # ex http://www.zuerich.ch/
+ seeland => 'ffffbb', # gelb
+ aargau => 'ffbbff', # violett
+ bern => 'a5f6bb', # gruen
+ spec => 'ff8a80', # rot
+ winti => 'd6d6ce', # ex http://www.stadt-winterthur.ch/
+ innerschweiz => '8abed7', # ex http://www.luzern.ch/
+ kreuzlingen => 'f9f9f9', # ehemals aargau (ex http://www.ag.ch/)
+ uzwil => 'e2b1a5', # wie heisst diese Farbe? :)
+ stgallen => 'e2b1a5', # wie heisst diese Farbe? :)
+ gnupingu => 'ffd133', # von http://www.gnupingu.ch/
+ },
+ ical_dir => 'ical',
+# End of configuration
+# Start of internals
+ my $termine = LUGS::Termine::Liste->new;
+ $termine->init;
+ my ($html_before, $html_after) = $termine->extract_html;
+ $termine->parse_template;
+ my $fh = $termine->{fh}{out};
+ print {$fh} $html_before;
+ $termine->process_events;
+ print {$fh} $html_after;
+ $termine->cleanup;
+ $termine->finalize;
+package LUGS::Termine::Liste;
+use constant true => 1;
+use File::Copy qw(copy);
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use LUGS::Events::Parser;
+# Return a new instance of our class.
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ return bless {};
+# Open files and retrieve the modification time.
+sub init
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{mtime} = scalar localtime +(stat($Config->{data_source}))[9];
+ open($self->{fh}{in}, '<', $Config->{html_file}) or die "Cannot open $Config->{html_file}: $!\n";
+ ($self->{fh}{out}, $self->{tmp_file}) = tempfile(UNLINK => true);
+# Close file handles.
+sub cleanup
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach my $handle (qw(in out)) {
+ close($self->{fh}{$handle});
+ }
+# Copy the temporary file to the HTML file's location.
+sub finalize
+ my $self = shift;
+ copy($self->{tmp_file}, $Config->{html_file})
+ or die "Cannot copy $self->{tmp_file} to $Config->{html_file}: $!\n";
+# Extract chunks before and after where the events get populated in.
+sub extract_html
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $fh = $self->{fh}{in};
+ my $html = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+ my @regexes = (
+ qr/^ (.+? \n<!-- \s*? TERMINE_BEGIN \s*? --> \s*? \n)/sx,
+ qr/ \n(<!-- \s*? TERMINE_ENDE \s*? --> .*) $/sx,
+ );
+ my @chunks;
+ foreach my $regex (@regexes) {
+ push @chunks, $1 if $html =~ $regex;
+ }
+ return @chunks;
+# Dump regular events formatted to the output handle.
+sub process_events
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $parser = LUGS::Events::Parser->new($Config->{data_source});
+ my $i;
+ my %month_names = map { sprintf("%02d", ++$i) => $_ }
+ qw(Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli
+ August September Oktober November Dezember);
+ my $seen ||= '';
+ my $print_month = sub
+ {
+ my ($event) = @_;
+ my $year = $event->get_event_year;
+ my $month = $event->get_event_month;
+ my $day = $event->get_event_day;
+ if ($month ne $seen) {
+ $seen = $month;
+ $self->print_template('jahreszeit',
+ {
+ MONAT => $month_names{$month},
+ JAHR => $year,
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $self->print_template('tabellenstart');
+ $self->print_template('kopfdaten');
+ while (my $event = $parser->next_event) {
+ $print_month->($event);
+ my $anchor = $event->get_event_anchor;
+ $self->print_template('farbe',
+ {
+ FARBE => $Config->{colors}->{$event->get_event_color}
+ });
+ $self->print_template('anker/wann',
+ {
+ ANKER => $anchor,
+ WOCHENTAG => $event->get_event_weekday,
+ TAG => $event->get_event_day,
+ });
+ $event->get_event_time
+ ? $self->print_template('zeit',
+ {
+ UHRZEIT => $event->get_event_time,
+ })
+ : $self->print_template('blank');
+ $event->get_event_responsible
+ ? $self->print_template('verantwortlich',
+ {
+ WER => $event->get_event_responsible,
+ })
+ : $self->print_template('blank');
+ $self->print_template('titel',
+ {
+ BEZEICHNUNG => $event->get_event_title,
+ });
+ $event->get_event_location
+ ? $self->print_template('standort',
+ {
+ STANDORT => $event->get_event_location,
+ })
+ : ();
+ $event->get_event_more
+ ? $self->print_template('infos',
+ {
+ INFORMATIONEN => $event->get_event_more,
+ })
+ : ();
+ my $ics_file = "$anchor.ics";
+ my $ics_link = join '/', ($Config->{ical_dir}, $ics_file);
+ $self->print_template('ical',
+ {
+ LINK => $ics_link,
+ });
+ $self->print_raw_html('</td></tr>');
+ }
+ $self->print_template('tabellenende');
+ $self->print_template('fussnoten',
+ {
+ AENDERUNG => $self->{mtime},
+ });
+# Parse the template as outlined below __DATA__ and create
+# a lookup map.
+sub parse_template
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $template = do { local $/; <DATA> };
+ $self->{template} = [ map { s/\n{2,}$/\n/; $_ } # # description
+ grep /\S/, # -
+ split /\# \s+? .+? \s+? -\n/x,
+ $template ];
+ my @descriptions;
+ push @descriptions, $1 while $template =~ /\# \s+? (.+?) \s+? -\n/gx;
+ my $i;
+ $self->{lookup} = { map { $_ => $i++ } @descriptions };
+# Look up the template item, substitute it with the data
+# given and print it to the output handle.
+sub print_template
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($keyword, $data) = @_;
+ return unless exists $self->{lookup}->{$keyword};
+ my $item = $self->{template}->[$self->{lookup}->{$keyword}];
+ my %markers = (
+ begin => '[%',
+ end => '%]',
+ );
+ foreach my $marker ($markers{begin}, $markers{end}) {
+ $marker = qr/\Q$marker\E/;
+ }
+ foreach my $name (keys %$data) {
+ $item =~ s/$markers{begin}
+ \s*?
+ $name
+ \s*?
+ $markers{end}
+ /$data->{$name}/gx;
+ }
+ my $fh = $self->{fh}{out};
+ print {$fh} $item;
+# Print raw HTML to the output handle.
+sub print_raw_html
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($html) = @_;
+ my $fh = $self->{fh}{out};
+ print {$fh} $html, "\n";
+# End of internals
+# Do not change the data descriptions within '# <name>' without
+# adjusting the code accordingly; furthermore, the hyphen '-'
+# is required and two trailing newlines at the end of the
+# template item, too.
+# tabellenstart
+<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=2>
+# kopfdaten
+<tr><td> </td></tr>
+<tr><td colspan=4 align=left><h2>Definitive Daten</h2></td></tr>
+<tr><th align=left>Tag</th><th align=left>Zeit</th><th align=left>Verantwortlich</th><th align=left>Anlass, Thema</th></tr>
+# jahreszeit
+<tr><th align=left colspan=3><br><font size="+1">[% MONAT %] [% JAHR %]</font></th></tr>
+# anker
+<a name="[% WERT %]"></a>
+# farbe
+<tr bgcolor="#[% FARBE %]">
+# anker/wann
+<td valign=top><a name="[% ANKER %]"></a>[% WOCHENTAG %], [% TAG %].</td>
+# zeit
+<td valign=top>[% UHRZEIT %]</td>
+# verantwortlich
+<td valign=top>[% WER %]</td>
+# titel
+<td valign=top><b>[% BEZEICHNUNG %]</b>
+# standort
+<br><font size=-1>[% STANDORT %]</font>
+# infos
+# ical
+<td valign=top><a href="[% LINK %]">iCal</a></td>
+# tabellenende
+# fussnoten
+<font size="-1">Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr, letzte Ă„nderung der Terminliste: [% AENDERUNG %]</font>
+# blank
+<td> </td>